There will be an update to the recording protocol on Zoom’s video conferencing and webinar services that may affect undergraduate students’ existing recordings saved to the Zoom Cloud and how undergraduate students can save future recordings.
Effective May 1, undergraduate students will no longer be able to save their recordings to the Zoom cloud storage. Additionally, the 365-Day Retention Protocol will still be in effect for all recordings saved to the Zoom cloud prior to May 1, 2023. All recordings made prior to May 1, 2023 will only be held in the Zoom Cloud for 365 days starting from their recording date.
Undergraduate students will continue to be able to save their recordings to their local device (e.g. computer) but not to the Zoom cloud storage. For more information on how to record locally, visit the ‘Recording a Zoom Meeting’ section in the Zoom Tool Guide on the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation website.
Undergraduate students who want to preserve Zoom videos recorded prior to May 1 should download their content from the Zoom cloud onto alternate storage. This can include local or network storage, Microsoft OneDrive and MyMedia Hosting and Sharing. Visit the ‘Download and Host Zoom Recordings’ section of the Zoom Tool Guide page for instructions.
Retention policy for Graduate students and staff was implemented on July 5, 2022 and more information can be found in the section ‘365-day Zoom Cloud Recordings Retention Protocol’.